The IGISc is working in collaboration with Dr. Lara Cushing as a part of her JPB Environmental Health Fellows Program on a project to assign estimates of exposure to greenspace to pregnant women study participants part of a larger research question examining disparities in infant health that disproportionately affect racial/ethnic minorities. Estimates of exposure have been developed from existing secondary spatial datasets including the NLCD land cover classifications as well as MODIS and Sentinel-2 imagery (to derive NDVI) and based on the address of study participants and the dates during which they were pregnant. Summary exposure metrics have been created using several different buffer distances from each participant’s home. Additional geospatial exposure metrics include average nitrogen dioxide concentrations (NO2, a marker of traffic-related air pollution) as well as a static noise metric. The project involves a subset of study participants delivering in San Francisco.
Image above: Schematic of workflow to develop 'green space' metric. *Address points are fictitious. Credit: Ana Pelegrini
Project Lead: Anna Studwell
Graduate Student Researcher(s): Ana Pelegrini Guimares