The IGISc maintains two GIS laboratories—a teaching Lab in HSS 290, and research lab in HSS 272. All lab computers are networked to two servers for the purpose of data sharing, web development, and licensing. Labs may be rented for conference or training purposes.

Research Lab - HSS 272
The Research Lab is available to students and staff exclusively for research and course lab work.
- 8 student/research computers (Dell Precisions with 64 GB RAM)
- 2 research computers (Dell Optiplex) with 32GB RAM, intel Xeon processors, and AMD FirePro video cards
- Conference table with 8 chairs
- Total seating: 20
Teaching Lab - HSS 290
The teaching lab is equipped with 23 student machines and one instructor machine located at the instructor's console. All computers are Dell Precisions running Windows 10 with 64GB of RAM, NVIDIA Dedicated Graphics Cards, and have 22" monitors.
- 23 student computers
- Conference table with 18 chairs
- Total seating: 42
Computers in both labs are equipped with the following software:
- ArcGIS Pro
- eCognition Professional
- Pix4D
- R & RStudio
- Adobe Creative Cloud Suite
If you have a special request for software or software extensions to be added to the computers in HSS 290 and/or HSS 272, please submit your request to Academic Technology (AT) at and cc: your faculty supervisor. They'll determine whether they can accommodate the request.